Deck Build 2/3
3 = Bad Deck; 1 = Average Deck; 2 = Good Deck; 3 = Incredible Deck
Knowledge 3/4
3 = No Knowledge; 1 = Little Knowledge; 2 = Some Knowledge; 3 = Lots of Knowledge; 4 = Too Much Knowledge
Strategy 4/5
4 = Terrible; 1 = Bad; 2 = Okay; 3 = Average; 4 = Good; 5 = Amazing
Field Control 2/3
2 = No Control; 1 = Defensive Control; 2 = Good Control; 3 = Aggressive Control
Rape +3
Total Points Possible: 15
Xail White: 0 - 8
Xerxes Grey: 9 - 13
Xavier Black: 14 - 16
welcome to black